The Marion School District is enhancing security measures for Patriot athletic events with the implementation of a clear bag requirement for the 2023-24 school year.
The policy will take effect immediately, and continue for the remainder of the school year.
Guests may carry the following style and size bags into venues:
Bags that are clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC and do not exceed 12”x6”x12”
One-gallon clear plastic bags similar to a Ziploc
Small clutch bag, approximately the size of a hand, with or without a handle or strap
Prohibited bags include, but are not limited to the following:
Purses bigger than a clutch bag
All backpacks, including clear backpacks
Diaper bags
Binocular cases
Camera bags
Computer bags
Fanny packs and cinch bags
Luggage of any kind
Large seat cushions that exceed 16”
Any seat cushions with pockets, zippers, compartments, or covers
Exceptions will be made for medically necessary items after proper inspection.
All persons and bags are subject to search upon entry to Patriot athletic facilities. Failure to consent or submit to inspection will result in denial of entry.

“We are excited about the upcoming sports season, and we are committed to doing everything we can to make sure everyone stays safe when coming to cheer on our Patriots,” said Marion Athletic Director Derek Harrell. “Our clear bag policy will be another tool for us to enhance safety during our events. We are committed to promoting sportsmanship, decorum, and ethics at all of our activities. This policy is part of those efforts.”
Other guidelines for spectators attending Patriot athletic events remain in place, including the following:
Preschool children and students in grades K-6 will not be allowed to attend games without adult (beyond high school age) supervision. Students in grades 7-12 must have a school ID to attend games. Students without an ID will be denied entry into the game.
Parents are responsible for their children; please keep small children with you.
Good sportsmanship should be displayed at all times. “Booing,” cursing, and/or offensive language or gestures are not allowed.
Students choosing to leave the event will not be allowed to re-enter.
Students are not to loiter in the restrooms, concession area, ramps, etc.
Fans/students are to sit on the side they enter. You will not be allowed to “roam” between the visitor and home sections.
Fans/students are to adhere to all Marion School District and AAA Guidelines. Those choosing not to do so may be required to leave without a refund.
Parents are responsible for transporting their children from the event in a timely fashion. Beyond 30 minutes of the event concluding, any student who has not been picked up will have their student ID confiscated and denied access to future events.
Backbacks will not be allowed in any athletic venue.
The Marion School District is an innovative and growing district committed to helping every student find their unique path to success in school and in life. With more than 150 years of experience serving families in Crittenden County, the district offers a high school, a junior high, a seventh grade school, and three award-winning magnet schools. For enrollment information, including information on school choice, visit or call 870-739-5100.