Monday through Friday from 7:30-3:30
If you would like to schedule an appointment or have questions about the SBHC, please call them at 870-739-5136.

Marion School District partnered with East Arkansas Family Health Center in September of 2018 in opening a School Based Health Center (SBHC) on the campus of Marion High School. The SBHC is a full service clinic offering services to all students and faculty of Marion School District. The SBHC is available for healthcare needs, ranging from acute illness, chronic disease management, and wellness physicals. The SBHC is staffed by a Family Nurse Practitioner, a Licensed Practical Nurse, and an Enrollment Specialist. The SBHC also provides mental and behavioral health services by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker one day per week and more frequently if needed. Appointments for students can be made by the school nurse on each campus. Appointments for faculty are highly recommended and can be made by the faculty member. All forms of insurance are accepted and those with no insurance are offered a discount based on income.